The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower lanyard was first launched at Gatwick Airport in May 2016 and has quickly grown into the most widely accepted Hidden Disabilities scheme in the UK. It has now been adopted by most of the major UK airports, supermarkets, local authorities and railway companies, as well as in the NHS and many other organisations.

Many people have disabilities that can’t be seen, such as Autism, Dementia, Chrone’s disease and deafness, amongst others, and as these disabilities are often unnoticed, this can mean that support is not offered when it is needed. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower offers a discreet way of identifying people with a hidden disability so help or assistance can be offered without the individual feeling awkward. 

Initially a UK initiative, the Sunflower Lanyard Scheme is starting to be recognised outside of the UK, in particular due to a recent Facebook post highlighting that it had been recognised by security staff at Malaga Airport. 

The lanyard (shown below), can be picked up at most UK airports, or ordered online from, and is a discreet way for staff to see that customers may require additional support or time and will allow them to offer assistance at any time during their journey.


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