The potato omelette is a classic of Spanish cuisine. There is a wide variety of recipes for this dish, but all must coincide in one thing: its delicious flavour. The Spanish tortilla is made from three ingredients: eggs, potatoes and a good olive oil. Each home cooks it in a particular way or introduces new ingredients to the original recipe, such as onion or courgette. Next we will show you how to prepare an authentic Spanish omelette.

We could start by discussing whether we make it with or without onion. This time, we will make it with onion, since in Spain it brings together a large number of fans because it adds a soft and sweet touch to the recipe. We recommend though, that if you are cooking for a group of people, ask them first, so you avoid last minute setbacks. If you decide to make it without onion, the steps are the same, simply remove the presence of onion.

The first step is basic: cut and fry potatoes and onion. In our recipe for 4 people, we will need 500 grams of potatoes and 1 onion. We can cut them into thin slices, then put them in a pan. We let them get done over medium heat, with extra virgin olive oil, until they are golden brown.

Then, it’s time to mix them with eggs. For this, we must remove the potatoes and onions from the pan, drain them, add a little salt and mix them well with the beaten eggs. For 4 people, the recommended amount of eggs is 5, more or less.

Finally, we will cook this mixture in the pan. To cook the potato omelette correctly, we will put a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and pour everything into the pan. Gradually, the mixture will take shape. We can help by shaping the edges. Once we have a cooked side, we must turn the omelette over very carefully and quickly, so that the other side is done. To finish the job well done, we just need to put our authentic Spanish potato omelette on a plate.

And that’s it! It’s that easy.


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