Summer is finally here and with it a dream of a perfect holiday. Beach, city, nature… Once you’ve booked your holiday, the first question that comes to your mind is how to pack all your wardrobe in one suitcase. Before you start to panic, you must think what pieces are essential and cannot lack in your vacation wardrobe. The best way to face the situation is to take the paper and pen in your hand and prepare a list. But before, ask yourself a few questions.

how to pack suitcase for holiday

What temperature does in you holiday destination?
Check the weather forecast and make your luggage accordingly.
Do you travel only with a hand luggage?
In this case you must count with a reduced space. Bear in mind the baggage weight limits. Choose the right clothes, clothes in which you feel comfortable without resigning to your style.
What’s the purpose of your vacations?
It is not the same to spend your vacations in the city and to spend your holidays on the beach.
Prepare a list with things you are going to wear and visualize your look. Now you can start to take your clothes from the wardrobe and place them on a bed or table. This way you won’t miss out any important piece.

Let’s start with the shoes. Between the space in the bag place your jewellery in a separated bag.
Now continue placing trousers, shirts, t-shirts, shorts, skirt, bathing suit. Finally take advantage of the pockets of your case and place there your toilet kit. Don’t forget to put it in a plastic bag to prevent your clothing from getting dirty.

Anything else? Review your suitcase again and if anything is missing, you still have time to add it to your suitcase. In order to avoid the stress from the preparations of your trip, never make your suitcase at last moment. Take your time and enjoy the moment.

 And happy trip!


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