The hotel industry has been pursuing green practices since the 1990s due to fluctuating economic levels and a strong focus on customer service. There are many green practices that hotels can implement as preventative measures to save unnecessary costs. Examples of these practices are: Pollution prevention such as waste discharge into waterways, Energy consumption, Recycling.

Hotels also use large amounts of energy to keep guests cool in hot temperatures, and equally large amounts of energy to keep them warm during the winter.
In some destinations, hotels place an additional, sometimes unsustainable demand on local water resources and generate large quantities of food and packaging waste.

At Medplaya Hotels a responsible behavior is a priority. We are committed to pursuing an innovative approach of environmental, financial and social responsibility. Hotel Riviera in Costa del Sol has been recognized as a‘Sustainable hotel’ by the Group ISTur.

Tree plantation Hotel Sensimar Riviera

Here are some ideas which should every eco hotel bring into practise:

Lower the heating and cooling temperature
Implementation of towel / linen re-use programme
Turn off computers when not in use
Limit the use of electronic appliances
Use natural ventilation
Make sure that staff and guests are aware of how they can help in the green effort
Monitoring of energy consumption and make due adjustments


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