Farewell to the beach, to siesta, to spending the night, to not having schedules, to not thinking about what makes us uncomfortable…. Goodbye? Where is it written that the end of vacation is the beginning of a punishment? We tend to idealise the holidays and think of the rest of the year as a series of calamities. But the reality is that the holidays are not so perfect and the weeks that remain are not so horrible.

The positive attitude is decisive to get back to work in the best possible way. Today we bring you a series of tips to make the return to routine less hard.

  1. Focus on reality. It is very difficult to go back to the routine and think about how much you enjoyed the holidays. It is necessary to face the day to day with the most pleasant aspects of the routine and to forget those thoughts that take us back to the past and to options that are no longer feasible.
  2. You have to respect the time for yourself every day. It is necessary to schedule personal leisure time – whether it is 15 minutes or 2 hours – but it is essential to have some time for personal enjoyment in order to adjust your life to the new rhythms of your routine.
  3. Think short-term. Instead of dreaming about next summer, you have to dream about next weekend. The short goal stimulates, the longer one is uncomfortable. Starting the countdown to the next vacation is one of the worst ideas you can have.
  4. Thank you for your vacation time. It should be borne in mind that not everyone can enjoy a holiday time. Everyone who has had that “luxury” this summer should keep it in mind when returning to work with a positive attitude.
  5. It is very helpful to incorporate holiday habits into your work routine. For example, the fact that you have breakfast with time reading the newspaper is something associated with free time, but it is possible to do it without much effort every day before going to work.


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